Tina Docs
Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference


Tina is an open-source, Git-backed headless content management system (CMS) that empowers both developers and content creators to collaborate seamlessly on a single platform. Tina enables developers to craft a custom visual editing experience perfectly tailored to their website or application while supporting a broad range of content types such as Markdown, MDX, and JSON.

Advantages of Tina

Git-based content management

  • Tina uses Git to provide a single source of truth for content and code, enhancing collaboration between developers and content editors.
  • Content changes are committed directly to your repository, ensuring version control and content history.

Real-time visual editing

  • Create and edit content directly in the context of your website or application with Tina's real-time visual editor.
  • Customizable content blocks allow content editors to assemble pages and manage content intuitively, similar to using a site builder.
  • The changes made by the editors can be previewed in real-time before publishing, ensuring the quality of the content.

Control over content

  • Tina's open-source model gives you complete control and ownership over your content.
  • Tina's (optional) self-hosted backend gives you piece of mind from vendor lock-in.


  • Performance at Scale: Tina is designed for large-scale projects. Whether your site has hundreds or tens of thousands of pages, Tina ensures optimal performance.
  • Powerful Query Capabilities: With Tina's unique data layer, your Markdown content becomes as flexible and queryable as if it were in a database.

Last Edited: July 18, 2023